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Structural House Reports

We are regularly engaged to undertake surveys and investigation of existing buildings or structures and to report upon various specific aspects, including the building and structural condition, adequacy for proposed use, or implications of any proposed structural alteration.


Whilst surveys, appraisals, investigation and reports can be tailored to meet precise requirements, they typically are required for three purposes:-

1. For sale or purchase of residential property.

2. To inspect a specific defect such as localised cracking.

3. For advice upon implications of proposed structural alteration and/or change of use.

1. For sale or purchase of residential property - Full Structural Report:-

This will involve the careful visual inspection of the property construction and immediate environment.
Whilst the report can be tailored to meet your specific requirements it will normally cover appropriate structural aspects including: -

· General description.
· Condition of roofs (where access allows).
· Party wall issues.
· Chimney stacks.
· Foundation movement and associated damage if present.
· Initial investigation into cracks of visible defects.
· Structural general condition.
- Structural defects, along with potential causes, and remedial work recommendations.
· External rainwater goods.
· Building regulations.
· Party wall matters.
· Adequacy of floors (where practical access allows exposure of joists).
· Confirmation of structural elements via. calculation (where deemed necessary).
· Summary and recommendations.

The Report will not include any excavations to expose foundations and ground conditions, nor opening up work to expose floors or hidden elements of construction, nor moving or removal of fitted carpets, tiles, floor coverings and furniture, etc .Non-Structural elements such as services including power, gas, electrical and security installationsare not covered.

The survey and report will not normally involve detailed inspection or tests of the drains, however a CCTV survey can be arranged.


2. Report on a specific defect such as localised cracking:-

Where a specific structural defect exists within your property such as a cracked wall, sagging floors etc. we are able to utilise our extensive experience to assess the problem. Our report will give likely reasons for the defect along with remedial actions necessary to alleviate the problem. 


3. Appraisal and report for adequacy for proposed use or implications of any proposed structural alteration:-

When an appraisal and advice upon the implications of a proposed structural alteration or change of use is required, this will involve the careful visual inspection of the building or structure and appraisal of the proposed structural alteration or change of use.
In some instances further investigation will be necessary to advise in full detail.
For example where the building construction or structure requires exploratory works to determine the structural adequacy, or where ground and foundation conditions need to be fully determined to assess the load bearing capacity.

Our advice and report including calculations and sketches can detail the implications of any proposed structural alteration or change of use.

A structural alteration can increase forces upon the existing structure or adversely affect the structural adequacy and behaviour of the building or structure, or any adjacent building or structure. We can advise upon the effects the proposed structural alteration might have, and advise upon economic, appropriate and or alternative solutions.
Advice in respect of statutory approvals, building regulations and party wall matters can be provided as necessary.


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